Coalition urges Conservatives to vote "No" on Network Neutrality Regulations

Encouraging news yesterday in the net neutrality debate. The Internet Freedom Coalition, a group of free-market conservative organizations, called on House Republicans to reject proposed net neutrality regulations. As Jason Wright, president of the Institute for Liberty points out, “In today’s climate, you don’t often see such agreement among free-market conservatives.”

“Net neutrality would be the first step down the dangerous path of Internet regulation” said Tom Readmond, executive director of Americans for Tax Reform’s Media Freedom Project.

As I have been arguing in my blog, increasing competition and innovation online have made the need for network neutrality and government regulation obsolete.  I recommend reading’s article on What Is Net Neutrality Regulation? for more information.

I was also sent a great link that points out the absurdity of the pro Net Neutrality side. There’s a really clever net neutrality scare ticker circulating the Internet. Turns out groups have been trying to create a socialized Internet for 1294 days – and counting.

Visit to add this ticker to your blog or site.