Several bloggers have greeted my recent entry into the net neutrality debate with less than flattering portrayals. Examples include: Digital Destiny, NSP Strategist, and Dana Blankenhorn. The common thread reads that anyone associated with communications companies must be bad, wrong, or have nothing worthy to say. Ouch!
If you are reading this and support net neutrality, I thank you for your open-mindedness. For those of you opposed to my position, I believe net neutrality should be debated on the merits not shaped by personal attacks and false assumptions. Let me explain.
First, creating was my idea not any company’s. As a longstanding free market proponent, I proposed the idea of the e-forum because the broadband industry was unfocused and doing a poor job collectively in debating net neutrality on the merits. I was particularly interested in representing the general interests of the broadband sector and succeeded in attracting the wireless, telecom and cable industry associations and also all the largest broadband companies to support the e-forum.
Second, from the beginning I have fully disclosed the broadband corporate interests we represent. I am not a secretive or undisclosed “astroturf spokesman.” I am a fully-disclosed, upfront, and highly-public spokesperson for the broadband industry on net neutrality. I believe in allowing free market forces to work.
Third, our Nation’s legislative process works exceptionally well when policy undergoes a substantive debate. I genuinely believe when net neutrality is judged on the evidence and the merits it won’t succeed in becoming law. The ideas, evidence, past experience, and the merits are overwhelmingly on the side of continuing to promote net competition – not promoting more government control of the Internet.
Fourth, I have an open mind and love to learn from others. I also am not afraid to admit if I am wrong. I’m open to hearing your best arguments and evidence. If you take the time to review my bio on the site, I hope you come away believing that I offer some relevant and useful experience, knowledge, and insight to this debate.
Lastly, I don’t believe this debate is about end goals, because most everyone wants a free and open Internet. The big disagreement is over the best means to get there. Net neutrality supporters put the trust in a government solution. I believe the market will handle it better.