Communications Daily reported today that FCC Chairman Martin said that while the portion of the BPL order that would declare BPL an unregulated info service was not included in the decision yesterday, that it would be handled offline shortly because all commissioners supported the order. Horrors for neutrality-ites! It sounds like the FCC is going to do again what it did that started this whole NN debate -- rule that another technology like DSL was competitive and not subject to NN regulation.
If NN is truly such a earth-tilting issue, why are the online giants silent on the menace of no NN for BPL? Could it be that they don't want to bring attention to the fact that there is broadband competition and that another wire to everyone's home already exists and can be made into a broadband wire very cheaply and quickly if utilities decide to do it becuase 99% of the cost is already completed?
Could it be that they don't want to saddle a new entrant and potential strategic ally with unnecessary regulation? Oh I forgot, they only propose NN regulation on broaband companies over which they want and need leverage in their commercial negotiations.
NN is not principled. Its classic special interest legislation to give the online giants a cheaper price, and get the average american to subsidize their 80-90% gross profit margins.