VA Senate Democratic candidate, Jim Webb, recently endorsed NN. The text of his statement, which could easily have been drafted verbatim by -- is included below.
I ask Mr. Webb whether anyone has explained to him the "Reverse Robin Hood" effect of NN before he endorsed NN? Does Mr. Webb understand that NN is average-pricing and one-size fits- all offerings?
Average pricing means that lower-than-average bandwidth users, like pensioners on fixed incomes, must pay above-average prices for bandwidth to subsidize more well -off high-end bandwidth users? How does such a special interest gift, corporate welfare for the online giants, square with traditional Democratic values of really looking out for the "little guy?"
And how does one-size fits all offerings, meet the diverse needs and demands of the American electorate? Should Americans be limited to minimal choice of broadband offerings, so that Google, Microsoft, YAhoo, and eBay can continue to enjoy 80-90% profit margins at the expense of the average internet user?
Mr. Webb's pandering seems geared to raising money for his campaign, not doing what is best for his Democratic base or the average American.
The internet represents democracy in action and must be protected. More than perhaps any other medium, the internet provides an open and free marketplace of ideas and speech, as our founding fathers intended in the first amendment to our Constitution. The internet has been open and free since its inception, and it should remain open and free moving forward. Just as importantly, the blogosphere provides strong checks and balances on the corporate media and on governmental power. This is particularly crucial at at time of serious overreach by the executive branch, as we now are experiencing. Finally, there is a fundamental fairness issue at stake here. Given that the internet is increasingly indispensible to educational and career advancement in today's economy, it is essential that we keep it accessible and affordable to all Americans - not just to the wealthiest corporations and citizens. Allowing big telecom companies to provide preferential service to large content providers over the "little guy" is both wrong and undemocratic. For all these reasons, I strongly support net neutrality.