Don't miss great op-ed "It's about Search, Stupid"

Don't miss an outstanding op-ed by Devereux Chatillon entitled "It's about search Stupid" about the Google Book Settlement.

It is on point, insightful and has great clarity of thought.

It also employs a brilliant metaphor to capture the essence of Google's monopoly power -- search as a map.

  • "If websites, databases and other content are the landscape of the virtual world, then search engines are the maps. Without search engines, the landscape is confusing and getting lost a certainty. With them, finding one's way through the dense forest of information is possible if occasionally made difficult with unexpected detours and dead-ends. Disappearing from the results of dominant search engines leads to invisibility. And if one has a website, a blog, an ecommerce site, or a database that no one knows exists, it is useless."
  • Please click here to read on.