Could Google Instant be "New Coke" Redux?

Could Google Instant turn out to be like Coca Cola's huge "New Coke" fiasco when Coke presumed they knew better what people wanted than people did?

To follow up my previous post... how does the eye-blurring screen flashing of Google Instant square with Google's signature pledge of screen simplicity and spartan-ness?

It will be interesting to see if anyone does the equivalent of a Google Instant "taste test" to poll people to see if they find Google Instant search better? simple? distracting?

After New Coke came out, the press had a field day doing taste tests showing that most people liked classic coke better...

Seems like trying to tell people that Google knows better what they are searching for -- than they do -- is a new level of goobris...

Seems Google thinks people are all alike and sheep who will go where they are steered.