Wireless Spectrum

Google Fiber Pivots to Be Wireless ISP & FCC Spectrum Access Administrator

Don’t miss Google’s enduring big wireless ISP ambitions in the midst of all the noise and confusion about the future of Google Fiber.

And also don’t miss Google’s grand ambitions to organize and dominate America’s spectrum-related information via its certification as a key FCC Spectrum Access System Administrator, given how little public attention it has gotten to date.

Google continues to pivot its Internet access ambitions away from deploying capital-expensive fiber technology deployment to deploying much-less-capital-expensive unlicensed wireless access technology, which does not require digging and burying fiber, and which may only use free unlicensed spectrum.

America’s Bipartisan Spectrum Opportunity – My Daily Caller Op-ed

Please don’t miss my latest Daily Caller op-ed, “America’s Bipartisan Spectrum Opportunity.”

  • It spotlights the huge opportunity for Congress and the Administration to work together on a bipartisan basis to get much needed radio spectrum reallocated for licensed and un-licensed use soonest.


NetCompetition Statement on FCC Incentive Auction Rules


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                           

May 15, 2014

Contact:  Scott Cleland --703-217-2407


FCC Rules Take the “Auction” & “Incentives” out of the Supposed “Incentive Auction”

The Least Efficient Part of Government – My Daily Caller Op-ed

Please don’t miss my new Daily Caller op-ed: “The Least Efficient Part of Government.”

It’s Part 14 of my Spectrum Waste Fraud & Abuse Series. 


Spectrum Waste Fraud & Abuse Series

Part 1: U.S. Government's Obsolete and Wasteful Spectrum Hoarding and Rationing [9-7-12]

The FCC Disincentive Auction – My Daily Caller Op-ed

Please don’t miss my new Daily Caller op-ed: “The FCC Disincentive Auction.”

  • It exposes an auction at war with itself, with more economic disincentives than incentives to bid.
  • It also spotlights the irony of FCC auction rules that approve a de facto Sprint and T-Mobile “wireless duopoly” of auction bidders.  

It’s Part 13 of my Spectrum Waste Fraud & Abuse Series. 


Spectrum Waste Fraud & Abuse Series