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Googlers in Space!

Google co-founder Sergey Brin has booked a flight as a space tourist on Russia's Soyuz space shot according to the New York Times today.

  • The story behind the story is that Google is finding the earth market too limiting and is planning to expand its mission from organizing all the world's information, to organizing all the universe's information.
  • New Googlers in order to fit in with the "think big" Google culture have recently begun scoffing at the puny size of Earth's wireless market and are itching to conquer new more challenging frontiers in space where an android could be more useful.   
  • One Googler was overheard saying that Jupiter is the next big market on Google's radar screen.

Previously, it was widely reported that Google is working on an inter-gallactic Internet.

  • Google's Chief Internet Evangelist, Vint Cerf, who is both the "Father of the Internet" and a "NASA Distinguished Scientist," said Google is actually on its fourth iteration of an inter-planetary Internet Protocol called "delay-and-disruption-tolerant-networking" because planets and moons do not act neutrally and can potentially block Internet packets, requiring that they be delayed.
    • This new protocol innovation is reportedly top secret in the U.S because Google does not want FreePress or the AP to learn that Google has invented a new non-neutral Internet protocol to handle delayed Internet traffic. 
    • Also hush-hush, Google is reportedly planning to press the FCC to open a rulemaking to fine the Moon for violating the FCC's net neutrality principles by blocking, degrading and impairing Internet transmissions to America's latest Mars lander.
      • Supposedly, Google's thinking is that if they tolerate the moon delaying and discriminating against transmissions from the Mars lander, everyone will think its OK and everyone will use "the-moon-got-in-the-way" excuse to get off future net neutrality violations.   

In the final piece of Googlers in Space news, the real reason has also leaked out for why Google just leased 42 acres of land from NASA at Ames field near Google's Headquarters. 

  • Supposedly, Google is going to launch a new private space exploration company, The Google Aeronautics and Space Administration, or GASA.
    • They are going where no megalomaniacs have gone before.
    • May the force be with them.