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More on Google opposing net neutrality for Google; and Google's radical Burning Man Festival roots

In my previous blog post I flagged a Reuters article that highlighted that Google asked its shareholders to oppose a shareholder vote that Google should abide by net neutrality itself, even though it is the single biggest proponent of mandating net neutrality for all its competitors -- on the planet.

Today I came across a quote in Investors Business Daily's section on quotes, "Wisdom to Live By" and found one that the radically-liberal founders of Google should ponder:

  • "Its not fair to ask others to do what you are unwilling to do yourself."  Eleanor Roosevelt, former First Lady to the ultimate uber-liberal Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

Alas, I don't hold out much hope that Google will ever see this as a double standard because they are so committed to Google's Motto: "Don't be evil" and because they like to insinuate that most every other corporation is evil...

If you think I am being "unfair" in labeling Google's founders radically-liberal, check out The Burning Man Festival gathering that Google's founders avidly and regularly have attended.

  • The source of this insightful information on Google's Founders' political leanings is the "Burning Man" chapter in the national bestseller book on Google: "The Google Story" by David Vise, a Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter for the Washington Post
  • Per pages 70-73 of the Vise book, the festival is a "counterculture" commune event of about 18,000 people held yearly in a "desolate stretch of Nevada's Black Rock Desert" that attracts "a motley assortment of other technologists, artists, anarchists, intellectuals and free spirits"; and where "nudity and drugs mingled easily," "buying and selling were forbidden" and "advertising is banned." 
    • Google's founders were so supportive and proud of the Burning Man Festival that they would change the Google Logo on the official Google site and add a Burning Man figure to one of the "o's" in Google to tell those in the know where they were.

It is ironic that the radical Burning Man sharing and egalitarian philosophy adopted in part in Google's culture, does not think that net neutrality and openness should apply to Google, but only to others.