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Moveon/FreePress are now whining about US postal rates too!

I stumbled upon some more powerful evidence that the SaveTheInternet coalition of 800+ organizations who back net neutrality -- are just special interests looking for a self-serving subsidy handout from the government.

I previously blogged on my theory that the 800+ organizations backing SaveTheInternet cynically know that their members are not really at risk on the Internet from "blocking" etc., but that their organization's cost structures are at risk because they have become addicted to subsidized cheap blast emails.

  •  Put more simply, doesn't want to pay anymore than anyone else, even though they consume tons more Internet bandwidth than the people they supposedly serve.
  • Think about it. How many average users blast emails regularly to 3 MILLION people! Only spammers blast out emails to that wide of a distribution.
    • Then think about how much more bandwidth is required to send out 3 million blast video emails to the email list than is required to send 3 million text emails.

I suspect the other 800+ organizations in SaveTheInternet coalition have made the same self serving calculus, but love to hide behind the populist "human shield" of supposedly looking out for the American consumer.   

Like any other special interest, these SaveTheInternet organizational supporters are lobbying for net neutrality for self-serving reasons, i.e. a law/regulation that would ensure their cost of email distribution would never go up. What a deal!

Look familiar? It is. FreePress and Tim Karr are the exact same folks that run the SaveTheInternet operation.

  • They are also using the exact same type of bogus "sky is falling" "save free speech" rhetoric to go after the US Post Office for raising junk bulk mail rates!
  • This has very little to do with "free speech" and a whole lot to do with socialism and organizational welfare. and their organizational allies think that they are entitled to "free" distribution of their message or somehow their freedom of speech is being infringed!

  • This crew is cynically using fear-mongering to raise money for their special interests.

Does anyone else see the irony that in their SavetheInternet campaign they want the goverment to regulate the Internet so they won't have to pay a market rate for bulk email blasts, but in their "Stamp out rate hikes" campaign they are attacking the government's postal service?

The common threads here are:

  • Bogus fearmongering to raise donations for their brand of organizational welfare and anti-business activism; and
  • Lobbying for special interest subsidies in a deceptive way that hides their own powerful self interest from public view.

These folks are looking more and more like self-serving, digital shake-down artists every day.