Check out the excellent NN analysis by PFF or attend their event

For those wanting a more indepth understanding of NN I highly recommend the following PFF book and event.
  Press Release
July 12, 2006
CONTACT: Amy Smorodin

Academics to Debate Network Neutrality Issues
PFF Network Neutrality Book Launch and Debate to be held Tuesday, July 18th
WASHINGTON D.C. – A book launch and debate on network neutrality issues, hosted by The Progress & Freedom Foundation, will be held this Tuesday, July 18th at the National Press Club. A distinguished group of academics and telecom policy experts will discuss issues raised in "Net Neutrality or Net Neutering: Should Broadband Internet Services be Regulated?," a recently published compilation of essays written by PFF Fellows and other respected communication industry scholars.
The panel discussion will be moderated by PFF Senior Fellow and Senior Vice President for Research, Thomas Lenard. Panelists at the event will include David Farber, Distinguished Career Professor of Computer Science and Public Policy at the University of Pennsylvania; Randolph May, President of the Free State Foundation, a Maryland think tank; and Adam Thierer, PFF Senior Fellow and Director of Center for Digital Media Freedom. Discussion topics will include: the advantages and disadvantages of network neutrality mandates, the effects of such regulation on innovation and economic growth, and suggestions for a regulatory or legal framework for dealing with complaints of application or content discrimination.
"Net Neutrality or Net Neutering: Should Broadband Internet Services be Regulated?" covers such network neutrality topics as vertical integration, competition and property rights in a collection of thought-provoking essays. The book is co-edited by Thomas Lenard and Randolph May. Order forms for purchasing "Net Neutrality or Net Neutering: Should Broadband Internet Services be Regulated?" will be made available at the event. The book is also available for purchase online through the publisher and

The event will be held on Tuesday, July 18th at the National Press Club from 8:30am - 10:00am. A continental breakfast will be served. The National Press Club is located at 529 14th St., NW in Washington, DC. Those wishing to attend should register online. Questions should be addressed to Eileen Goulding at 202-289-8928 or Members of the media should direct questions to Amy Smorodin at 202-289-8928 or

The Progress & Freedom Foundation is a market-oriented think tank that studies the digital revolution and its implications for public policy. It is a 501(c)(3) research & educational organization.