Google/Youtube not a neutral gatekeeper; the new discriminatory Internet Censor?

The respected National Journal has a very interesting article about YouTube and how it may be choosing sides or is not "neutral." It's an important quick read; kudos to National Journal for focusing on it.

  • The article says critics are complaining that "YouTube's censoring process is too opaque and inconsistent."

Why is this noteworthy?

  1. Google owns and controls YouTube and is leading the charge for net neutrality to keep the Internet open and free of "Internet gatekeepers." 
  2. ComScore just reported that Google's market share of the search business is 47% and rising (and with Yahoo, the "search duopoly" now controls 77% of all searches and rising.) This makes Google an increasingly dominant Internet access technology.
  3. National Journal's tech daily also reported today that 98%of Google employees that contributed politically contributed to Democrats. Is Google/Youtube truly a "neutral" gatekeeper for all views?