Net Neutrality Debated on NPR

I spoke about net neutrality this morning on the NPR program On Point. While I had hoped for a more balanced debate, I was able to make a solid argument for letting competition, not government, continue to shape the Internet and encourage online innovation. I was also able to briefly mention how network neutrality legislation is actually corporate welfare for Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, eBay and others. Right now, there are a lot of people out there trying to scare people into supporting net neutrality. The fear-mongering about censored content, degraded Internet, etc. is unfounded and not supported by the evidence. If you want to read more, I wrote about this issue yesterday: The boy who cried wolf. Other speakers today included Adam Cohen from the New York Times, Michael Grebb from Wired News, Lawrence Lessig a Stanford law professor, and Alan Davidson with Google. Listen to the debate