Moyers: The Net @ Risk proved unabashedly biased --'s undisclosed infomercial?

After seeing how unabashedly one-sided and biased the preview of Moyer's show was on Net Neutrality which I described in my Blog last week -- I can't say I was surprised that the actual show proved to be equally unabashedly one-sided and biased. Â 

So what's the objective basis of my assessment of bias?

  • If you listen to the program, you will find that they devoted just under 37 minutes to Net Neutrality (excluding the segments on fiber, municipal wireless and media consolidation) and out of that time only two opponents of net neutrality regulation Mike McCurry of Hands of the Internet and Chariman Fred Upton of the House Commerce Subcommittee) got less that three minutes of air time.
  • To be fair to Mr. Moyers even though he was not fair in his program,  Mr. Moyers would sometimes say in his leading questions... Opponents of Net neutrality say... however, those bones were hardly enough for a fair airing of this important topic.

This was not journalism, but basically a paid advertisement that was not fully disclosed.

What I would like to have disclosed is what % of the funding behind this obvious infomercial was paid by supporters?

Net neutrality supporters like Common Cause love to claim that our side is astroturfing while they turn a cynical blind eye to astroturfing on their side. Anyone at Common Cause listening?  Does anyone at Common Cause care about disclosure any more?