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Father of net neutrality admits "the whole net neutrality issue is really about a power struggle"

Tim Wu, the "father of net neutrality" because he made up the term a few years back, was surprisingly candid in a CNET article that: "the whole net neutrality issue is really about a power struggle."

  • Well we now know net neutrality is not about:
    • A supposedly longstanding non-discrimination "principle" of the Internet;
    • all bits being equal; or
    • freedom of speech.
  • It's about "power."
    • We knew it all along. 
      • It's really about the "power struggle" over corporate welfare for the dotcom billionaires at Google and eBay who want the consumer to subsidize their piggish bandwith demands in order to maintain their 90% gross profit margins.  

I also found another candid quote by the folks that also tells us what they are up to:

  • Marvin Ammori, general counsel at Free Press, 
    in describing Comcast's reasonable network management of viral p2p traffic said ”We didn’t expect the first violation to be so blatant.”
  • What's amusing here is that it has taken five years for them to think they have found "the first violation" of net neutrality. (emphasis added.)
    • With the cow that FreePress had over AT&T and Verizon's admitted mistakes in past months, it is interesting that Free Press' lawyer really does not consider them or any other action before them to be net neutrality "violations." 

When the FCC concludes its review of the facts in the Comcast case, it will be clear that Comcast was engaged in "reasonable network management" to protect the overwhelming majority of consumers from the irresponsible actions of the few -- which is no violation of net neutrality.

    • On the contrary, Comcast's "reasonable network management" is essential to protect the integrity, stability and utility of the Internet from those who aggressively abuse the system.