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Spin can't magically turn the Maine net neutrality defeat into a win

Public interest groups supportive of net neutrality like Common Cause and The Maine Civil Liberties Union are trying to "spin" the press that the non-binding net neutrality resolution passed by the Maine Senate is somehow an important first for a state.

  • The reality is that supporters of net neutrality thought that the support of net neutrality by Dorgan-Snowe co-sponsor and Maine Senator Olympia Snowe would somehow increase the chances of passing net neutrality legislation for the first time in the state of Maine.
    • They were wrong. 
    • This legislative effort in Maine failed just like it did in Michigan and Maryland, and just like it did in every Federal forum it was raised in.   
    • This Maine Senate "non-binding resolution" is simply hortatory puffery, akin to naming a state insect or a state weed.  
  • The reality is that the Maine legislature did not pass legislation and that it clearly acknowledged in its resolution its understanding that the Internet is exclusively Federal jurisdiction.
    • There is nothing that could be more Federal or "interstate" than the "INTERnet!"

This episode in Maine really is emblematic of the whole net neutrality movement.

  • Like "chicken little" net neutrality advocates scream that the Internet sky is falling, and then when it doesn't, they take credit for single-handedly saving the Internet from the sky falling.
  • Like the "boy who cried wolf" they also get everyone scared that the broadband wolf-opoly is eating all the Internet sheep. 
    • However, like the villagers in the fable who discovered the boy lied about the wolf eating the sheep, lawmakers are learning that they can't believe what the net neutrality advocate say.
    • That's why the net neutrality advocates keep moving on to new states and to new forums --
      • they need to find new people they haven't misled yet.